Do you want to train hard? Ready for a butt kicking?
Mel Becejski is your woman.
With a background in Kick Boxing, Muay Thai and competitive fighting
Mel is a weapon in and out of the ring.
Her training style is inspired from her marital arts background and centres around strength work, fitness conditioning and intense pad work combinations that leave you gasping for air… in a good way. Based out of Bondi Icebergs, the iconic view is a great distraction from the full body burn you experience in one of her sessions.
As a boxing trainer Mel helps her clients build strength and confidence in and out of the ring so we caught up with her to get the run down on how she keeps her own PB’s in sight and why fight training should be on your 2020 to-do list.

What is the best part of training people?
It is definitely meeting amazing new people all the time and making lifelong connections.
Knowing that somebody trusts you 100% and puts a big part of their health into your hands is such a compliment.
Your favourite work out?
Muay Thai of course! Hitting the pads and kicking the bag. Nothing compares.
One thing you can’t live without?

2020 goals?
I want to jump back in the ring this year for a few Muay Thai fights!
What do you think about the pre-judgements of boxing as a fighting sport?
When it comes to martial arts whether it is boxing, Muay Thai or another form of martial arts, I think the misconception is behind the actual word “fight”. It can be translated in so many ways.
I feel that those who have not experienced a properly coached session do not realise just how much skill is involved and also how this type of physical excersion can put you into a mediative state.
I also see alot of women concerned about the potential injury risks of this sort of training, however there is risk attached to so many types of exercise if you take part in it too intensely, ( I mean you have seen the feet of a ballerina!) which is why having a great coach or trainer to monitor your form is essential.
It is an even tie between faith and persistence.
Without either of these how on earth can we achieve anything?
For you, what is the key to hitting your goals?
It is an even tie between faith and persistence.
Without either of these how on earth can we achieve anything?

How do you unwind?
A great Thai massage to work out all the kinks and allow some time for deep relaxation and recovery.
How do you challenge yourself?
I like setting 3-6 month goals and making sure I don’t set any other goals
until I’ve ticked them off my list.
What’s on your Spotify right now?
Travis Scott’s track “Highest in the room”
We want to know something top secret - anything you have an irrational fear of?
Lightning !!!
Tell us what you are currently obsessed with?
A newly found love of ham & cheese croissants
