Recreation Beauty Chats with Ali Cotton
Bondi based brand, Recreation Beauty just dropped their new collection of sweet AF scents and body oils and they set up a little Q n A with our Founder, Ali Cotton so get the low down on her beauty do’s and don’ts and why Vodka is a great alternative to wine.

When did you first get into fashion?
I’ve been working in fashion for about 15 years, I started off with a different label that I wrapped up about five years ago after First Base took off and wanted to put all my focus into that.
I wanted to create a product that had a longer shelf life than a floral cocktail dress - you know, when you get a print, wear it once and then feel like you can’t re-wear it?
I was over that disposable factor and I wanted to make clothes that were seasonless with a longer life span.
Which is how First Base was born.
First Base is about those foundation pieces.

My healthy week
My health philosophy is basically 80% healthy, 20% vodka and cheese.
I drink my alcohol in spirit form and straight on the rocks.
It just feels boss and it’s also low carb!
I’ve been mostly vegetarian for three years now, after I’d realised I was eating too much processed meat.
Things like salami and ham where you’re not getting any nutrition were my go-to’s.
I’m not a spokesperson for vegetarianism, but the older I get I’m more aware of the impact of being a human and living, and if I can lessen my impact in some way, then I will.
I don’t miss meat at all.

Hair care, or care less?
So, here’s an admission.
I let my staff cut my hair.
None of them are actually hair dressers.
We just have really sharp scissors at work.
I go to the hairdressers maybe once a year for a colour because I can’t stand spending five hours in the chair.
The ends of my hair are bleached properly, but the rest of it is actually spray in bleach (don't tell anyone!).
I lather it up with product to create the illusion that I’ve tried, but let’s be honest, I haven’t!
My hair is naturally curly the one thing that actually just works on its own.
Sustainable living
We do all the basics, when shopping I always bring my own canvas bags and more recently, I’ve tried to be more conscious of buying bulk whole foods with my reusable jars.
You’ll never see me without my keep cup and I make sure to use all natural cleaning products.
And, of course, I am the recycling and compost Queen.
First Base’s environmental footprint
My bigger action is with work, because you’re talking about a bigger operation than just a household.
As a business, we have worked hard to eliminate harmful packaging, reducing freight emissions and working with Carbon Neutral Australia to offset our carbon footprint.
If everyone just does one or two things, it all adds up and makes a big difference.
Also, obviously drinking gin on the rock with no straw.
That’s probably my main contribution.
My main form of mindfulness is actively not caring what people think about me and what I’m doing.
This is a work in progress, but I really try to disengage with any negative noise.
What’s your superpower?
That's easy.
It would have to be not giving a fuck.
About what other people say or caring what people think.
I don’t mean it in an asshole way, but I think women in particular, spend so much time thinking about what other people think of them and it’s a burden.
For the most part, people are mostly thinking about themselves, not you.
So not being attached to what other people think about you, is an extremely empowering and liberating thing.
For me that’s freedom.

simple beauty is best
My beauty routine is pretty basic, wash my face, exfoliate and moisturise but my favourite thing to do is go and see Melanie Grant and have a facial - once every two months because I’m too busy (and a bit slack) to go more often.
I’m obsessed with the Omnilux treatment.
Getting older, I’ve found my skincare needs to be a bit more elevated and I’ve come to terms with investing in the health of my skin.
Fillers and Botox just aren’t for me.
I take fish oil, zinc, vitamin B and they make quite a difference to the quality of my skin and how hydrated it is.

Excerpt from: Recreation Beauty -
Images: Chris Mohen.